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Uterine fibroids are especially common among women in their forties and early fifties as they approach menopause. “The exact reasons for development of fibroids are not well-known; much of it is genetic,” said Marci Peralto, M.D., a board-certified OBGYN at OB Hospitalists of Lone Tree, part of Pediatrix® Medical Group. “These benign tumors are made from uterine muscle that contains extra estrogen and progesterone receptors. So, anything that increases the amount of hormone exposure can increase the risk for fibroids,” said Dr. Peralto. Fibroids can cause symptoms like pain and heavy bleeding for some, while others may not even know they have them. “Changes in periods and infertility are primarily affected by fibroids that are located within the wall or lining of the uterus, changing the shape of the uterine cavity,” explained Dr. Peralto.
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