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Having a premature baby can be overwhelming for new parents. Among the many hurdles preemie parents experience include not having a family member or friend who can relate. "Preemie parents are likely alone amongst most of their friends and family in having gone through this experience and, thus, cannot seek the same advice and comfort from those around them," said Amber Samuel, M.D., medical director at Obstetrix Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialists of Houston, part of Pediatrix® Medical Group. "They also can't control the situation or environment of their new child, which can multiply a feeling of helplessness as a parent." In addition to baby’s health concerns, mom is often dealing with complications as well. "Many mothers have additional medical complications that require prolonged hospital stays that create issues for care of other children and an inability to work prior to a previously planned maternity leave," said Barbara Carr, M.D., neonatologist and the medical director at Pediatrix Neonatology of Missouri. "This can create significant emotional and financial stressors for parents and couples. Fathers and partners often feel anxious. They experience stress due to a perceived inability to do anything to help mother or baby and often end up taking unexpected time off of work."
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