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Infant tummy aches are common, but it can be hard to know what exactly is bothering them. You can’t quite rely on verbal communication yet, and symptoms can also vary, depending on the cause, said Robert Quillin, M.D., a board-certified pediatrician and medical director at Pediatrix® Newborn Services of Texas. Once you’ve narrowed in on the cause, whether it be constipation, gas or reflux, you can determine how to provide some relief. “Assuming there are no overt signs of illness, such as fever, lethargy, vomiting or diarrhea, there are a few things that parents might try to alleviate these tummy troubles,” said Dr. Quillin. One home remedy to attempt is exercise. Dr. Quillin suggested gentle, passive exercises like bicycling baby’s legs, one by one or extending and scrunching their legs together in a cohesive movement.
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