In the News

Kane Nash was born on July 9, 2023, at 23 weeks, weighing less than a pound. “I was mentally prepared to lose him,” said mom Amber Nash, who had ovarian cancer at a young age and didn’t think she could have children. Following a six month stay in the neonatal intensive care unit at Providence Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital, Kane defied all odds and celebrated a very special first birthday. Lisa McGill-Vargas, M.D., a neonatologist at Pediatrix® Neonatology of Eastern Washington, cared for Kane together with her team. “He came into the world tiny but mighty,” said Dr. McGill-Vargas. “Across the country, the odds are against him. Over 50% of babies that tiny don’t make it to hospital discharge and don’t make it home breathing on their own – smiling, laughing, interacting and just truly doing really well.”
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