In the News
Micropreemie Edyn White was born at 26 weeks weighing just over a pound and a half. "It was mind-blowing how little she was,” said dad Garrett. “Not everything was formed yet." Following a four-month stay in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), the longest NICU stay in Tanner Medical Center Carrollton’s history, Edyn has overcome all odds. Today, she is thriving and recently celebrated her third birthday. "Given all the complications she had and how little she was born, I’m glad she made it through," said Preeti Singh, M.D., neonatologist and medical director at Pediatrix® Neonatology of Georgia. "It just tells how strong she is to overcome everything. That’s the story of her strength and perseverance. I hope she will take those qualities forward in her life.”
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