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How to Support Your Partner in Labor

The Bump

When you’re supporting your partner during labor, there are certain things you should avoid saying or doing to make it as smooth of an experience as possible. One piece of advice is to not complain. “Don’t mention your personal discomfort during this process,” said Suzy Lipinski, M.D., a board-certified OBGYN at Obstetrix® of Colorado, part of Pediatrix® Medical Group. “People in labor are going through intense challenges. Pointing out that you’re hungry, tired, stressed or uncomfortable will not help anyone,” explained Dr. Lipinski. Another suggestion is to not invite extra guests. “Never pressure a laboring mom to have anyone in the labor room that she doesn’t want,” advised Dr. Lipinski. “The mom may love her mother-in-law or sister-in-law but not want them to see her in labor. Don’t force or pressure a mom to have unwanted visitors.”

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