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Granny’s Purse Syndrome refers to young children getting into their grandparents’ medication, which is often unsecured. “In the pediatric ER, we see children rather frequently because they got into grandparents' medications,” said Todd Zimmerman, D.O., a pediatric emergency medicine physician at Pediatrix® Emergency Medicine of Nevada. What makes this situation even more dangerous is that the medications grandparents typically take are especially harmful to children. “Most commonly, we see kids getting into blood pressure medications, pain medications and/or oral hypoglycemic medications—but this is certainly not limited to just these medications,” said Dr. Zimmerman. To help prevent this from happening, he suggested storing all medications in child-resistant packaging and reminding grandparents about safety measures they can take to secure medications. “Let them know that you just want to be extra safe and super careful,” advised Dr. Zimmerman.
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