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Crawling is an exciting milestone in a baby’s development. “We start to see the building blocks of crawling in the four-to-seven-month window as babies gain control over their bodies,” said Chris Klunk, M.D., a board-certified neonatologist at Pediatrix® Neonatology of Texas. As they near crawling, “you may notice them curl their toes, rub their soles on the ground, make walking motions or bounce their legs when their feet are placed on the floor,” explained Dr. Klunk. You’ll then notice your baby rock back and forth on their hands, he said, soon before they begin crawling. There are several different crawling techniques, all of which are suitable ways to move about. “What’s important to remember is that all these approaches to getting around are developmentally appropriate, and equally cute,” said Dr. Klunk. “As long as they are coordinating both sides of their bodies and using both arms and both legs equally, they will continue to explore the world and progress in their movement skills.”
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