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Your second pregnancy will likely feel different than your first. One of the differences you might experience is increased pain and pressure. “The abdominal muscles and uterine ligaments have become more lax and don’t support the growing uterus as they did with the first pregnancy,” said Julie Charlton, CNM, a certified nurse-midwife at Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialists of Georgia, part of Pediatrix® Medical Group. “The ligaments that attach to the uterus—notably the round ligaments located on either side of the lower abdomen and the broad ligament that attaches to the sacrum bone—tend to become more bothersome for second-time moms,” explained Charlton. You may also feel baby move sooner because of those weakened muscles. “The movements can seem more vigorous and at times painful since the abdominal wall and muscles are more relaxed, allowing baby more freedom of movement,” said Charlton.
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